
Social, Cultural, Demographic, and Natural Environment Variables
Social, cultural, demographic, and environmental changes have a major impact on virtually all products, services, markets, and customers. All industries are being staggered and challenged by the opportunities and threats arising from changes in this sector.
Apuntes de clase, Direccionamiento Estrategico I, Universidad de La Sabana (2016).
Childbearing rates
This entry gives the average annual number of births during a year per 1,000 persons in the population at midyear; also known as crude birth rate. The birth rate is usually the dominant factor in determining the rate of population growth. It depends on both the level of fertility and the age structure of the population.
Number of special-interest groups.
Special interest groups are nonprofit organizations that publicize a specific cause for either society or business. Special interest groups are divided into two categories: societal and business. A social interest group aggressively pursues social issues with business and government to promote their interests. Most social interest groups focus on one specific subject matter, such as eliminating drunk driving or workers' rights.
For a number of tea producing countries, export is of a great importance. There is however, a worldwide crisis in the sector. Because of over production, tea prices in the world-market are historically low. As such the problems worsen where the tea producers have for decades already dealt with bad working conditions, such as low wages, child labour and forms of forced labour, environmental problems such as pesticide-pollution and land degradation (erosion and deforestation). Whereas the crisis especially hits employees at tea plantations as well as small tea producers, (multinational) tea companies benefit from the low raw material prices, which are not passed on to consumers. Special interest groups of producers and plantation employees in the south, call for structural changes.
SOMO examines the specific properties of this sector, especially the influence of international trade and distribution on the production process and the production circumstances in developing countries. Also SOMO has kept an eye on the developments in the coffee market for years and has been involved with the formulation and implementation of initiatives in the area of ‘fair coffee’ and corporate social responsibility in the coffee sector.
Number of marriages.
Marriage is a civil contract, because the state is part of it, it is a civil marriage or a Catholic marriage, must be registered with the civil state, for the record and have proof of their existence. Besides the above, it is a solemn contract, because you need specific requirements to be valid, and born to the legal life, which must contain at least three requirements or essential elements for its formation:
Help mutual
The contract of marriage is the union of two persons, which entails a legal, social, cultural and economic recognition, since from the time the contract is entered into, born conjugal society, a society of an economic nature, which has as so weigh all the costs of living together, and the community of property acquired in the same shape it. Marriage clear rights and obligations for each of the parties, contains a regulation that can not be breached or violated, since to happen, configure or empowers a party to file for divorce each other, having failed in the obligations of the contract itself.
The Andean and Central regions are showing the greatest number of divorces. The Central is an increase 43.96 percent, equivalent to 3,394 divorces, while in the Andean is 21.11 percent, which corresponds to 1,630 divorces. This is shown by figures from the Office of Civil Registry, adding that civil marriages also increased reaching a total of 24,206, an increase of 1.36 percent compared with the same period last year, when there were 23,881.
Number of divorces.
Between January and May 2015 7.721 divorces were registered in the country, representing an increase of 11.22 percent over the same period last year, in which 6,942 events were presented.
This is shown by figures from the Office of Civil Registry, adding that civil marriages also increased reaching a total of 24,206, an increase of 1.36 percent compared with the same period last year, when there were 23,881.
According to the data of the 898 notaries of the country, the cities with the highest rate of divorce are Medellín, with 44.19 per cent increase (685); Bogotá 12.13 percent (1,987) and Cali 2.54 percent (434). This is shown by figures from the Office of Civil Registry, adding that civil marriages also increased reaching a total of 24,206, an increase of 1.36 percent compared with the same period last year, when there were 23,881
Apuntes de clase, Direccionamiento Estrategico I, Universidad de La Sabana (2016).
Numbers of births.
This entry gives the average annual number of births during a year per 1,000 persons in the population at midyear; also known as crude birth rate. The birth rate is usually the dominant factor in determining the rate of population growth. It depends on both the level of fertility and the age structure of the population.
Number of deaths.
This entry gives the average annual number of deaths during a year per 1,000 population at midyear; also known as crude death rate. The death rate, while only a rough indicator of the mortality situation in a country, accurately indicates the current mortality impact on population growth. This indicator is significantly affected by age distribution, and most countries will eventually show a rise in the overall death rate, in spite of continued decline in mortality at all ages, as declining fertility results in an aging population.
Immigration and emigration rates.
This entry includes the figure for the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during the year per 1,000 persons (based on midyear population). An excess of persons entering the country is referred to as net immigration (e.g., 3.56 migrants/1,000 population); an excess of persons leaving the country as net emigration (e.g., -9.26 migrants/1,000 population). The net migration rate indicates the contribution of migration to the overall level of population change. High levels of migration can cause problems such as increasing unemployment and potential ethnic strife (if people are coming in) or a reduction in the labor force, perhaps in certain key sectors (if people are leaving).
High levels of immigration can cause unemployment and ethnic conflicts, while high levels of emigration rate can cause a decrease in labour force.
In Colombia, the trend has been towers emigration, specially since 2009:
This rate could affect the industry, since it can have consequences in unemployment if too many people is entering the country, or consequences in the decrease of labour force.
Social Security programs.
Social programs have direct influence in life conditions of the population, since they have an impact in different social aspects, such as education, health, poverty reduction, and creation of jobs. According to the “Departamento de Planeación Nacional”, the Social Policy in Colombia, aims to achieve that every colombian has access to quality education, social security, and the labour market, by formalizing actual jobs, or supporting entrepreneurship.
This national policies are created in order to reduce poverty, and increase jobs as well as social equity.
* This affects the industry, because it has to do with the conditions of living of colombian people. If this conditions improve, individuals will have more money available to spend, and there will be better conditions for promoting entrepreneurship.
Life expectancy rates.
“Indicates the number of years that a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time if its birth were to stay the same throughout its life.” (World Bank, (s.f.)).
According to the latest WHO data published in 2013 life expectancy in Colombia is: Male 75.1, female 81.0 and total life expectancy is 78.1 which gives Colombia a World Life Expectancy ranking of 40. You can see the top 20 causes of death data and rankings for Colombia by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.
* It affects the industry, because older people tend to spend more money on leisure activities tahn younger people.
Per capita income.
The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Colombia was last recorded at 4549.40 US dollars in 2014. The GDP per Capita in Colombia is equivalent to 36 percent of the world's average. GDP per capita in Colombia averaged 2690.27 USD from 1960 until 2014, reaching an all time high of 4549.40 USD in 2014 and a record low of 1452.53 USD in 1960. GDP per capita in Colombia is reported by the World Bank.
Increase of disposable household incomes and domestic consumer spending.
Location of retailing, manufacturing
and service business.
Outsourcing refers to the process that takes place when a firm hires external individuals or companies, so that they take care of a part of the production process.
According to “Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo”, Colombia has the necessary human resources to participate in the BPO’s Business Process Outsourcing. In the last four years, outsourcing incomes in Colombia, have increased 30% a year.
The outsourcing increase in Colombia, rises the foreign investment in the country, as well as the creation of jobs. According to Proexport, the outsourcing has increased in the last decade, since colombian people is generally service oriented, and the relation quality-price offered by the country is competitive for the market. However, it is necessary to strengthen bilingualism in order to have more tools to satisfy the demand.
Attitudes toward business
Depend on the business and the way that people perceived it, the attitude change. Colombia tends to judge the hygiene in a work process that a company tend to have. This occurs more in little companies because they think they are legal settlement and not always trust in those companies.
It generates about 300,000 jobs and has a huge advantage in terms of employment, since it requires workforce both skilled and unskilled, which gives a good image among the people towards this industry.
References:,. (2008). Sector en proyección. Retrieved 12 February 2016, from
In Colombia the consumer habits have changed drastically, some facts are that people want to change the way the eat to a better and a healthy way, want to be part in a new lifestyle, and the increase of prices in some products.
For example, the consumption of potatoes has been decrease because people think that is a food that makes you fat. for that reason, in Colombia are starting to create new organic crops to adapt the new lifestyle that Colombians are taking.
Colombia people have change their buying habits, they prefer to go out to eat more often.
In our product, this is a good statement because TaiTea is an organic beverage that can be a good opportunity to create a habit to drink tea, is even better for our health habits.
References:,. (2016). Estilo de Vida y Economía, Incidencia en los Hábitos de Consumo de los Colombianos. Retrieved 17 February 2016, from
Traffic congestion
Traffic in large cities as Bogotá, the roads are saturated and the demands of cars in the city are huge. This is a cause of stress, lost of time in a car, accidents, people arrive late to jobs or work and don’t let the good development of the daily task, make unproductive and inefficient people, also, affect the economy of the city.
For example, in the city of Bogota, traffic congestions cause a 6.3% loss in per capita income and 13.7% loss in medium and high-income homes. In Bogotá (5 million population)
*Is important to know where is the location with more traffic , because this affect the industry in the productivity issue, people will no go to a place were there is always traffic. The company needs to find a strategic place for consumers.
References:,. (2016). LA MOVILIDAD EN BOGOTA, UNA PESADILLA. Retrieved 17 February 2016, from
Inner-city environment
Now a days, people prefer live in inner city because is a good way to be apart of all the chaos in city, that´s why families like to live in the suburbs. Less traffic, low costs of live and transport. It's important to know that families need to live with some of the commodities that exist in central areas, and they want them near them.
Average disposable income
This force refers about how people prefer spend more in goods and services than save the money. Also, the fact that consumer decides in how want to spend money, helps to the economy, increase the employee rate, the supply and demand increase.
Now days, technology is a good tool and make our lives pretty easy. The fact that we can buy by Internet is a good way to be more prone to spend. Colombia is 14 points below than the average in Latin America, but the expectations are that it will increase in an 18% between 2013-2018, according to ranking e-Readness.
Middle class is increasing, represents the 37% of population in Colombia, they moves the economy of a country because it consumes more than the 50% buying in neighborhood stores, bakery and around the 30% goes to supermarkets.
When people are propensity to spend is a good opportunity for the company and the industry, because they will prefer to spend money related on leisure and spend time with friends, family, and love ones.
References:,. (2016). Tea in Colombia. Retrieved 17 February 2016, from,. (2016). Income and Expenditure: Colombia. Retrieved 17 February 2016, from
Trust in government
In Colombia, the issue about el "Prceso de Paz" has a positive attitude by a certain amount of Colombian people, they think this process will end positive, but some people think that this process must end with the demobilization of “Las FARC.”
Juan Manuel Santos is making this process, the problem is, and he doesn't have credibility and popularity, bad thing for a president because he is loosing legitimacy.
References:,. (2016). Santos: ¡Sin popularidad y sin credibilidad!. Retrieved 17 February 2016, from
Attitude toward government
In 2013, Colombia´s president got the worst popularity with Colombian people. There was an agricultural strike with a 29% of popularity. 3 years later, a survey says that he has the same 29% with Colombian people. Most who were surveyed are with less economic resources and don´t have a good image of the president.
About the question of " are you agree of what is doing the president Santos? The 72 % says no, 25 % agree with him and 3 % says they don´t know, they don’t answer.
KienyKe,. (2015). Nueva encuesta constata la caída de popularidad del presidente Santos - KienyKe. Retrieved 11 February 2016, from Http://,. (2016). Juan Manuel Santos: Encuesta muestra caída de su popularidad - Actualidad - Retrieved 17 February 2016, from
Attitude toward work
Colombia's minimum salary is about $689.450 is less than people need to survive, for their daily needs. It increase 7,0% more than 2015. The unconformism is pretty obvious because the lifestyle in Colombia is about 1´200.000 per month.
Colombian make protests, national strikes, showing their unconformism with the government. Not only for the minimum salary very low, there are many things too. For example, the sale of Isagen, the deforestation to create new ways of 4G. These are some things that Colombians are very unpleasant.
Jiménez, F. (2016). Inflación dirá para qué alcanzará el mínimo. Retrieved 17 February 2016, from
Buying habits
According to Bitalco, Colombian people has changed their buying habits in the last 15 years because of the technology issues. The fact that in larges city the traffic jam is a problem, people prefer eat in restaurants than make meals in their homes, prefer buy things in internet or in catalogs.
ElEspectador,. (2016). Colombianos cambian hábitos de compra. Retrieved 17 February 2016, from
Ethical concerns
If a company doesn't have ethical concerns, how they can act in a good way, making things right and as a plus have a good public image. Ethics is considered a good behavior for schools, industries, religious places, politics and cultural terms in this time.
Attitudes toward saving
The key for saving money is simple, saving as many as you can, don’t spend something that you don’t have, have the accounting of what you spend and receive, reduce cost, don’t use the credit card less than you can, manage your debts, think of your priorities, have real goals, wait for unexpected, Included in the budget to loved ones.
Savings increases with the increase in the income. Therefore, following this theory it can be easily understood that with an economic growth, the amount of savings also increases. Because of that, we can conclude that in Colombia is increasing the savings habit in people.
References:,. (2016). Los 10 mandamientos del ahorro. Retrieved 17 February 2016, from








Sex Roles
Gender roles have changed with the migration from rural to urban areas. In Colombia they’re still marked by sexual segregation and a difference between male and female goals and aspirations.
Colombian society adopted a culture in which men occupy a dominant role. Also the traditional male-female relationship assumes that the women put her husband’s wishes before her own.
Women are the ones responsible for the care of children and household, and the husband is the one that makes decisions about the household’s necessities, in terms of economical factors.
In today’s modern economy, women hold more powerful positions in the workplace, but female roles still vary according to social class. Nowadays segregation of gender roles is less dominant in urban center but is still evident in rural regions, women hold higher-paying jobs and occupy prominent positions in society.
References:,. (2016). Culture of Colombia - history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family. Retrieved 13 February 2016, from
Attitudes toward investing
According to different experts, there are several aspects people have while deciding to invest. 80% of those decisions are influenced by beliefs, human behavior, and the environment.
The Global Investor Pulse is a survey of 27,000 people in 20 countries in America, Asia and Europe. The 80% of Colombians express that they want to learn how to invest and the 84% feel confident and secure about their financial future. (2015)
The Colombian investor profile is known for excess of confidence, high level for taking risks, low patience, preferences for national assets and the desire to achieve positive results in the short term.
For our industry, this aspect can be a double-edge sword. Even though some aspects can encourage people for having positive vibes while investing; there are some that might get us in trouble because of bad investing. It is really important to know when is the right time to invest.
References:,. (2016). Colombianos quieren aprender sobre sus finanzas e inversión. Retrieved 13 February 2016, from
El Tiempo,. (2014). Así son los colombianos al momento de invertir - Finanzas personales - El Tiempo. Retrieved 13 February 2016, from
Racial equality
“Racial equality is the belief that individuals, regardless of their racial characteristics, are morally, politically, and legally equal and should be treated as such.”
The predominant racial strain in Colombia is the mestizo, about 58% of the population. White population 20%, mulatto 14%, black 4%, mixed black-Amerindian 3%, Amerindian 1%. Colombia is known for racial diversity.
The article “Being black in Colombia: A daily confrontation with racial invisibility” where it says “In Colombia, the black demographic often feels tucked away in a social system and culture where ingrained casts and colorism make the opportunities for upward mobility very limited.”
In January 2010, the United States and Colombia signed the U.S.-Colombia Action Plan on Racial and Ethnic Equality. The Action Plan recognizes the important contributions of African-descendent and indigenous peoples and seeks to elevate recognition of their cultures in both countries.
Colombia has been a leader in racial equality movements within Latin America and the have a social campaign called #SerNegroEsHermoso (black is beautiful), which its mission is to give a grater level of pride and self-recognition in the afro-Colombian Community.
Racial equality its important because one of the key to success is braking down all racial barriers and working together as one, this will give us equal opportunities and equal benefits in different aspects; in our community our company, etc.
Muhammad, S. (2016). Being black in Colombia: A daily confrontation with racial invisibility -. Blavity. Retrieved 15 February 2016, from,. (2016). Racial Equality – Dictionary definition of Racial Equality | FREE online dictionary. Retrieved 15 February 2016, from
Use of birth control
Under the constitution, Colombian citizens have access to universal health care. Colombian law guarantees access to free contraceptives, including surgical procedures. This law allows young women to better access contraception and prevents unintended pregnancy.
Sex, AIDS, and birth control are all discussed in the schools because these topics are really important for Colombian citizens.
For our company, this force will not have a big impact because we are not in the health area or in any sector related to this force.
2010, W. (2016). Women Deliver » Updates » New Colombian Law Ensures Free Access to Contraceptives. Retrieved 13 February 2016, from
Average level of education
The average level of education is an indicator of the effort made by the country to educate its population. Colombia is close to the average for Latin America, but should increase their level of schooling to approach the situation of the most developed countries.
The Colombian people between 25 and more years old have an average of 5 years of schooling. It is higher than Brazil average but lower than Argentina and Chile. Half of the Colombian population has access to secondary education.
The Colombian education system is made up of: early childhood education, preschool education, the basic education, secondary education, and higher education (two degrees and ends with a bachelor's degree.).
The level of education you have its really important for every aspect in your life, personal and professional. This variable allows us to know if the average of citizens are capable to learn and apply information, ideas, theories and formulas to achieve a verity of tasks and goals in the company and the industry
References:,. (2016). Sistema Educativo Colombiano - Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia. Retrieved 15 February 2016, from,. (2016). Colombia: acceso y aprendizaje desde un Ámbito internacional - Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia:. Retrieved 16 February 2016, from
128619453816698,. (2016). Colombia está al mismo nivel de Chile en años de escolaridad, pero no en calidad. Retrieved 16 February 2016, fromá-al-mismo-nivel-de-chile-en-años-de-escolaridad-pero-no-en-calidad_162621
Government regulation
There are three authority regulators supported by the Colombian government:
Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA)
Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA)
Entes Territoriales de Salud (ETS).
The National Institute of Food and Drug Monitoring of the Republic of Colombia (INVIMA) has the function of implementing health control of food production and commercialization in Colombia.
They exercise inspection activities, monitoring and control of food for human consumption and verify the sanitary conditions in which it is processed. The government has released a series of decrees that allow the INVIMA regulate safety in food production and distribution
The ETS is responsible for monitor food safety and hygiene in which points of sale are located for these products.
In the food industry it is also necessary (in the case you are importing products) that the ministry of commerce give import permission. In some cases of food imports it is required a preapproval for importation, in which the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MOH) is the one that provides the pre-approval.
Since our company is involved in food industry, we need to be aware about government regulations for the wellness of the company. In addition the industries need to follow each norm in order to work properly. Perhaps this is one of the most important forces for our industry because without any permission of these entities our company will not have the chance to operate and besides it is really important to take care of our consumers.
References:,. (2016). Inicio - Invima. Retrieved 14 February 2016, from
Revista I Alimentos - para la industria de alimentos en Colombia,. (2016). ICA INVIMA ¿Quién manda en que?. Retrieved 14 February 2016, from
Trade Regulations and Standards in Colombia. (2016). Retrieved 14 February 2016, from
Attitudes toward retirement
The attitude toward retirement in Colombia has a double face. On the one hand, they are among the most proactive people in Latin America to save for retirement. On the other hand, the study concluded that most saving is only a fraction of what they feel they need in the future because the expenses of everyday life and the feeling of having little income playing against.
At the end of the Global Investor Pulse survey made to Colombia citizens, they were asked to give an advice for young people about retirement and they said “we recommend to young people to start saving earlier for retirement, saving more generally, to spend less, to prioritize retirement and pay before their debts. We add, consult an advisor it will help you make better choices for their future. "
“Pensions (and reteirment) are an important component of compensation and that incentives associated with pension plans alter worker behavior. In general, pension participants are less likely to quit, more likely to have longer job tenure, and more likely to retire at specific ages related to their pension plans.”
This is why this force is important for our industry because this affects worker behavior and with it productivity levels.
References:,. (2016). Colombianos quieren aprender sobre sus finanzas e inversión. Retrieved 16 February 2016, from
Attitudes toward leisure time
Colombians have and easygoing toward leisure time. People spend an average of two hours chatting by cellphone, three hours eating, eight hours working, four hours watching T.V., five hours using the Internet and between six or eight hours sleeping. People in societies classified by a high score in Indulgence generally exhibit a willingness to realize their impulses and desires with regard to enjoying life and having fun. Colombia is shown to be an Indulgent country, Scoring a very high 83 in this dimension,
They possess a positive attitude and have a tendency towards optimism. In addition, they place a higher degree of importance on leisure time.
This will be a positive factor for the industry and the company because this means that people tend to enjoy leisure time in which people probably will spend more time in relaxing or just having fun, and we as the Celestial Tea Bar can provide costumers a place where the can enjoy a delicious tea and relax.
References:,. (2016). Colombia - Geert Hofstede. Retrieved 15 February 2016, from
Attitudes toward product quality
In Colombia product quality has a big impact and importance in the national industry. There are various enterprises that stand out in the economy because of their high product quality. For Colombians quality is the attribute par excellence, to reach the results and benefits.
When it comes to shopping Colombian people tend to have particular habits. According to Propaís and Raddar about 30% of household expenditure is allocated to food purchases, and within reasons to buy the main is in need (34%) followed by taste (24%) and quality (18%).
Most of the Colombian companies are committed to the process of quality certification and they are known for offering good product quality.
For the industry its good for workers to have good attitudes toward product quality because it opens doors not only to offer their products in chain stores, but also it allows them to start export process. For the company offering good quality products gives us a high and great recognition among consumers. People will start preferring our products because of the differentiation and value they have.
References:,. (2016). Las 4 razones para que un colombiano compre colombiano. Retrieved 17 February 2016, from
Attitudes toward customer service
New services are continually being launched to satisfy the existing present needs.
Pollution control
According to a survey made by the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development, in 2008, 67% of respondents perceive pollution as an environmental problem and 52% they consider air pollution as the main problem.
In Colombia there is a law to “Prevent and control pollution of the environment and seek improvement, conservation and restoration of renewable natural resources, to protect the health and welfare of all inhabitants of the country ".
There are different laws and decrees in which they established a series of rights and obligations related to the environment. Companies, the community, and citizens need to know and follow them. This involves our company and the industry Colombia is looking forward a good and healthy environment
This issue is something that involves every sector in Colombia, because Pollution can arise from the consumption or use of products (product pollution) or the production of those products so it is necessary for us, as an industry to take care of our environment, and have the initiative and responsibility to conserve and preserve our nature.
References:,. (2016). Colombia implementa política de prevención y control de la contaminación del aire. Retrieved 16 February 2016, from
Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible. (2016). Retrieved 16 February 2016, fromìcas_de_la_Dirección/Pol%C3%ADtica_de_Prevención_y_Control_de_la_Contaminación_del_Aire.pdf



Attitudes toward foreign peoples
Colombian varies in their attitude towards foreigners. Aware of the advantage would mean increasing the population for their country and progress brought by foreigners, they are enthusiastic about immigration. Obvious is the natural kindness in general also flaunt abroad. But this does not mean that in his mind, especially the upper classes, they profess a dislike, which individually reaches Extreme even hatred, an attitude that is both the focal point of his political thought. Several root causes of such an aversion.
One of them is the offense felt by Colombians in their national pride caused by the view somewhat severe uttered by many travelers who openly criticize the weaknesses of the popular character as well as abuses by public authority and unleash his jokes at the expense of Colombians.
Other causes are motivating humiliation and loss, possibly sometimes unfair, inflicted on Colombia as a result of complaints by European residents due to damage caused to their property by the Colombian authorities. Surely among Europeans arrived in Colombia there have been liars and fakes, which, with rare incidents responsible for errands and important works in execution caused unpleasant surprises. It is also possible that foreign traders have managed to fool bad law directly to the government or to individuals.
Foreigners do not just come and go, there are many who remain, many who see in Colombia an opportunity for a new life. Why do they stay? The answer is very simple: people. Everyone visiting any city in the country you are amazed by the warmth and friendliness of everyone. Whenever you need something you are getting with a smile Colombians who are willing to help you anytime.
The idea in our business is to attract all types of customers. Foreigners can relate to some of our drinks, because the main idea of our product does not come from our country, but comes from the African continent.
References: member. (2009). ¿Porque los extranjeros van a Colombia? 12/02/16, de Team Sitio web:¿por-que-van-los-extranjero-a-colombia
Banco de la Republica - Actividad Cultural. (2013). La posición del extranjero en Colombia. 12/02/16, de Banco de la Republica Sitio web:
Energy conservation
The way in which the national energy production is set is essential in the context of climate change facing the country. The El Nino phenomenon that used to appear every three years, is now being presented almost annually. In addition, between 2013 and 2014, rainfall levels have fallen 22%, according Acolgen.
This represents a significant risk to the current generation. The country has a 2015 production of 15,500 MW (MW) and is expected to 2019 has been expanded to 18,000 MW. It is energy today is produced as follows: 70% of electricity generation in Colombia is made from water through hydropower. 29% of production is due to the natural gas is generated by thermal power plants and the remainder from other sources (coal, wind power, etc.) 1%
The country has 23 hydroelectric, (five of them under construction), 11 thermoelectric plants (one under construction) and a wind farm.
According to Angela Montoya Holguin, executive president of the Colombian Association of Electric Power Generators (Acolgen) "despite the fact that Colombia is a country with high levels of hydroelectric energy dependence is 99.9% reliability" that is, thanks to mixed basket of energy production when reservoir levels or rain are critical, it is virtually impossible to occur blackouts or rationing.
Energy conservation is part of all. Our company offers products based on Mother Earth, and hence are ecological. We are part of the change, and the new generation who care about energy.
References: (2015). ¿Qué tan competitiva es la energía colombiana?. 12/02/16, de Sitio web:
Social programs
Colombia has been facing the program and social work, as in the country by economic and ethnic differences has been presented inequality. These strategies and social actions mitigate poor quality of life that some Colombians suffer daily. Strategies and programs like De Cero a Siempre, Familias en acción, Mujeres ahorradoras, Juventud en acción and Colombia Mayor are not the only strategies used by the government to combat poverty. The government is not alone in providing social programs. But also the community has done social work, putting their bit to contribute to society.
However below will be some government contributions to the community:
-Delivery Of 100,000 homes free urban, 100,000 rural households, some 100,000 subsidized for those earning minimum wage, through the Plan to Enhance Productivity and Employment.
-350,000 job positions with Plan to Promote Productivity and Employment.
-Free education to 8.6 million Colombians
-Today there are a million households connected to gas
-Today we have more than 6 million broadband connections
-The Government has compensated 160,000 victims of armed conflict
-Unification Health systems, with the same benefits for subsidized and contributory
Urna de Cristal. (2013). ¿Por qué Colombia es ejemplo en la lucha contra la pobreza?. 12/02/16, de Urna de Cristal Sitio web:
Number of churches
In Colombia there are about 795 churches and 5.374 temples, these are duly recorded in the public records of the Interior Ministry.
it is important for us to know that there are number of churches in the country, and what kinds of beliefs have . There are certain religions that are radical in matters of belief, behavior, attitude, food , etc. This helps us learn more about our customers and how we can address new strategies to sell our product.
Ministerio del Interior / DataBase 2015
Social responsibility
The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), emerged in the United States in the late 50s and early 60s Contrary to what is commonly thought, corporate social responsibility goes beyond practices punctual, occasional or initiatives motivated by marketing, public relations or other business benefits.
"Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined as business behavior based on ethical values and principles of transparency, including a strategy of continuous improvement in the relationship between the company and its parts" relationship that includes customers, suppliers, partners, consumers, environment, communities, government and society in general. "It is a business strategy focused on increasing profitability, competitiveness and sustainability, serving as part of a new model of sustainable development. The concept of CSR can incorporate human rights, anti-corruption measures, the environment, working conditions and activities within communities through partnerships with civil society organizations. "
Many companies in the world now recognize the benefits of incorporating socially responsible practices and policies. Similarly, there are empirical studies that demonstrate the positive impact of CSR in areas such as financial performance, operating costs, brand image and reputation of companies. However, the incorporation of CSR policies and practices in Latin America is still in its infancy and most of the interest arises in large enterprises. However, there is growing pressure on companies in the region to incorporate the concepts of CSR, not only in order to compete effectively, but also to guarantee access to international markets, where governments and consumers increasingly demand this practices.
It is an important factor in the future our company must embrace, because society itself is our potential customer.
Centro Virtual de Noticias de Educac. (2006). Responsabilidad social empresarial. 13/02/16, de Ministerio de educación nacional Sitio web:
Attitudes toward careers
According to, racing best paid in the country are: Geology, with 3'250.000 pesos, or medicine with 2'750.000 pesos. These data represent the wages are at least 50 out of 100 professionals with one year of work experience.
From 2001 to 2013, only 1,680 people graduated Geology nationwide. In contrast, 142,159 business managers graduated from Colombia in the same period.
The training of medical professionals is also high.
According, only 32 percent of professionals, at age 35, no education towards gradual.
While most coveted race for the financial reimbursement was petroleum engineering. Now with the decay of oil, the race is not as desired by the young.
Manuel Alzate. (2015). Los profesionales mejor pagados en Colombia con un año de experiencia. 13/02/16, de El Tiempo Sitio web:
Population by race, age, sex and
level of affluence
The total Colombian populations 51.2% are women and 48.8% men in a population of 47 million Colombians
These data represent an explicit number of those who are our customers where they live, ethnicity from which they come, sex etc. Mainly; our product is open to all our types of customers.
Attitudes toward authority
According to the World Values Survey, conducted in 100 countries, 70 percent of Colombians do not trust civil servants and 80 percent believe that there should be more respect for authority. And when there is no trust or credibility in the rules, they do not comply neither obeyed. Justice is one of the most serious problems. The most recent Gallup poll revealed that 75 percent of respondents have a bad image of this institution in any developed country; it is the backbone of the peaceful coexistence and the symbol of the rule of law works. The slowness of justice plays a role his poor capacity for action. Lack of Justice acting results in such a dangerous habit as common: people apply revenge on their own.
The slowness of justice and the power vacuum are not the only causes of institutional paralysis in the country in various fields. There are also examples where the excessive regulations, requirements or resources becomes an obstacle to progress and processes. Culture does not help because the problems are not resolved them but legal outlets. To this is added the misuse of mechanisms involving the 1991 Constitution, such as mentoring, class actions, the town meetings, the prior consultations, which despite its democratic spirit, are often used for other purposes and in that way the end to subdue particular interest to the general interest.
The weak legitimacy of political institutions has created a mess and others have gradually usurped functions of each. The Constitutional Court legislates. Judges choose. And perhaps the most worrying consequence is that politics has lost the capacity to make decisions that are proper, and these have been taken for Justice, with the times of the judges.
It is a sensitive issue, because we as a company must be subjected to a respectable democracy and justice.
Semana. (2015). ¿Dónde está la autoridad en Colombia?. 14/02/16, de Sitio web:
Population changes by city, counts,
state,region and country
The total population in Colombia was last recorded at 47.7 million people in 2014 from 16.0 million in 1960, changing 198 percent during the last 50 years. Population in Colombia averaged 31.85 Million from 1960 until 2014, reaching an all time high of 47.66 Million in 2014 and a record low of 16.01 Million in 1960. The Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) reports population in Colombia.
Sources: Trading Economics and DANE
Value placed on leisure time
It’s the variable which show us how people use their time doing leisure activities but making it from a perspective where we can see the value of time, must of the time this study is developed to calculate the non-monetary costs incurred as part of a journey or activity, so that the generalized cost can be calculated.
Non-working time this is time spent outside work, which might include journeys to and from work and leisure journeys. Since this time is not valued in a market, it can only be estimated from revealed preference or stated preference analysis techniques, where the real or hypothetical choices of travelers between faster, more expensive modes and slower, cheaper modes can be examined.
In our company we have various variables that may affect or not how the products are being sold, in the 1st place we can take advantage of various aspects of the free time that some people may use to relax and take a cup of tea with their friends, the athletes can drink tea while doing a daily jog to keep a healthy routine.
In the 2nd place may affect from the people who doesn’t like to drink tea in their free time or just don’t have time to do so.
Vickerman, R. (s.f.). The Economics of Leisure and Recreation. London.
Regional changes in tastes and preferences
Global companies must revamp their corporate structures so that operations anywhere enjoy a high status commensurate with its long-term profit potential and have the autonomy needed for significant results. They have to focus on growth opportunities in urban clusters. Their products and prices must be tailored to local preferences. Finally, they must learn how to market, sell, and distribute products through a variety of channels and retail formats.
Our company creates a healthy daily routine by drinking tea and our products sometimes have to change because of the preferences from the people of the region, the success depends substantially on the customer tastes and preferences that success of our businesses depends on our ability to consistently create and distribute tea.
Guild, T. (September de 2009). Obtenido de
Unknown. (s.f.). WikiInvest. Obtenido de
Euromonitor, P. (s.f.). Obtenido de
Number Of women and minority Workers
For centuries, women have served their families—preparing food, making clothes, and performing other functions—to make homes for their husbands and children. As times changed and economic opportunities moved from the farms to the factories, the roles of women began to evolve. Instead of staying home and producing goods for the family, women began looking for jobs outside the home.
In Colombia at least 6% of Afro-Colombian and natives have a dignified work as directors or managers; in our company this can’t affect in any possible way since we’re making an inclusion within different “Cultures” in the same country, in the same way since the places they come from the educative quality is low in comparison with the capital.
The way we make possible this inclusion is making them workers that can and want to learn something new, that make their dreams come true.
D., M. M. (25 de February de 2014). Obtenido de
Lanier, P. A. (s.f.). Obtenido de
Cancilleria. (s.f.). Obtenido de
Number of high school and college graduates by geographic area
The quantity presented in the follow-up forum graduates and needs of the productive sector 2010, show that an increasing number of graduates of professional technical and technological programs 28,388 in 2002 to 80,254 in 2009 and the gap between the wages of men and women graduates is declining. In Colombia, between 2001 and 2009, it has been awarded a total of 1'520.253 higher education degrees (professional technician, technologist, university undergraduate and graduate), which have been obtained by 1'262.841 students across the country.
In our company this can be an advantage to improve and grow the company to other places, make better decisions in the future.
Educacion, M. (2010). Obtenido de
Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Recycling can benefit your community and the environment.
Benefits of Recycling:
· Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators
· Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals
· Prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials
· Saves energy
· Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change
· Helps sustain the environment for future generations
· Helps create new well-paying jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries.
If our company uses plastic bottles its easier for the customer to transport and much lighter than glass, plastic bottles allows us to ship more product in an individual shipping truck reducing fuel expenses and emissions.
EN, I. (s.f.). ITO EN. Obtenido de
EPA. (s.f.). Obtenido de
Waste Management
The collection, transportation, and disposal of garbage, sewage, and other waste products. Waste management compasses management of all processes and resources for proper handling of waste materials, from maintenance of waste transport trucks and dumping facilities to compliance with health codes and environmental regulations.
In our company we can be affected by the amount of tea bags that have rotten in the processes so we must have a contract with another company that recycles those rotten tea bags into something new.
Sarmiento, M. C. (s.f.). Solid Waste In Colombia. London.
Air Pollution
Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, and pollen and mold spores may be suspended as particles. Ozone, a gas, is a major part of air pollution in cities. When ozone forms air pollution, it's also called smog.
Some air pollutants are poisonous. Inhaling them can increase the chance you'll have health problems. People with heart or lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from air pollution. Air pollution isn't just outside - the air inside buildings can also be polluted and affect your health.
In our company this can affect the health of our workers, since the polluted air is slowly deadly to everyone, the building shall have valves to continue with a constant free-polluted air flow.
Plus, M. (s.f.). Medicine Plus. Obtenido de
Water Pollution
Is the contamination of water bodies (lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater). This form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.
In our company the tea comes from Thailand if the ship sinks we must take part of the responsibility to clean the water as soon as possible, also we must Establish new pollution limits for top problem areas, such as sources of runoff and sewage overflows.
Council, N. R. (s.f.). Natural Resources Defense Council. Obtenido de
Ozone Depletion
Destruction of the upper atmospheric layer of ozone gas, caused by substances formed from breakdown of ozone depleting substances.
Industries that manufacture things like insulating foams, solvents, soaps, cooling things like Air Conditioners, Refrigerators and ‘Take-Away’ containers use something called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These substances are heavier than air, but over time, (2-5years) they are carried high into the stratosphere by wind action.
This can affect our company because of the heat all around the world it might be harder to plant tea seeds, we must prepare if we don’t want to our company to fail, also this can affect the way people want the tea luckily we have different tea variants so the consumers are able to drink whenever they want to.
Canada, E. (s.f.). Enviroment Canada. Obtenido de
Unknown. (s.f.). Obtenido de
Endangered species
Species at risk of extinction because of human activity, changes in climate, changes in predator-prey ratios, etc. Also when this animals goes extinct some others have to eat from other sources that means that our company could be affected because of this problem







